Monday, April 27, 2015

Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide - Day 1

After seeing so many pictures on Instagram and PumpUp of people using the Bikini Body Guide, I decided to give it a shot. Being a full time college student and working part time, I got about 4 weeks in and was never finishing a work out and definitely not trying as hard as I should have been. During this time I have also been trying to change my diet to flexible dieting (IIFYM). I decided this morning that I did so bad at both of them the passed 2 weeks that I needed to start over. So thats what Im doing. Everyday (well I'll try my hardest) to post on here my workout that I did and what I ate in the day. I have 2 weeks until a beach getaway with my boyfriend and a little over a month until my sister's wedding (which I am a bridesmaid in), so I really need to get my butt back in shape! I'm so excited to start this journey and will be trying my absolute hardest to stay on track. I will also be post progress pictures along the way so here is day one!


  1. Congrats on deciding to do the Bikini Body Guide! I'm about to start it myself, so I'm excited to see your results! (Plus I totally hear you about how difficult it is to find time while being a full-time student and working part-time... so I'm totally going to use your progress as a way to nip my own excuses in the bud, haha!)

  2. Thank you! :) It's definitely kicking my butt! Good luck with it! :) I hope you see great results! Keep me updated on how its going! I hope that I can help keep you motivated :)
