Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Decade Recap

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a great night celebrating or going to bed at 10pm like we did :) As many of you probably did, I spent a chunk of my time yesterday looking at Instagram posts of people's decade recaps! Every year I make a "top 9" post of my top 9 Instagram photos of the year. I always love looking back on things that happened over the last year, so I thought a whole decade recap would be fun to do! Going through all of these old pictures is really making me appreciate current iPhone photo quality, some of these photos are so bad. I started this decade as a freshman in high school and ended the decade about to start my career as a nurse. I hope you all enjoy taking a peak at my highlight reel of the last 10 years!


I went on my first cruise, started high school, joined student council, and had an ungodly amount of sleepovers with my girlfriends.


I turned 16 & got my drivers license (what an exciting year). 


I attended an amazing weekend long leadership seminar that only 1 student from each high school in IL got to attend, got a position on district student council and went to junior prom!


I started my senior year of high school, turned 18, went to a lot of football games, and planned & decorated for my senior homecoming. 


I bought a brand new car on my own, graduated from high school, took a solo trip to Seattle, Kayli got married, and I started college!


Started dating my soon to be hubby (enjoy our first pic ever together), traveled A LOT (9 cities), my sister got married, and I ran my first half marathon!


Austin and I celebrated our first anniversary, I graduated with my associates degree, moved into our townhouse, my bestie got married, we bought our house and started renovations right away!


Continued house renovations, my brother graduated high school, traveled some more (Boston, St. Louis, FL), cut down our first Christmas tree. 


I started nursing school, traveled even more (MI, CO, TN, FL), and GOT FREAKING ENGAGED!!!
Check out my in depth 2018 year recap


Spent a lot of weekends with our friends, lots of wedding planning, graduated nursing school, one of my best friends had a baby girl.

Although this decade was great, I cannot WAIT to see what all happens in the next 10 years! Austin and I get married, hopefully start a family, flip a couple more houses, and who knows what else!

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