
Sunday, January 1, 2017

2016 Year In Review

Long time no blog! I haven't posted in what seems like forever! The second half of this year was crazy and unfortunately I let my blog take the back burner :( hopefully this year will be better! This morning I was going through so pictures and rememebered that last year I put together a blog post of my 2015 Highlights and I wanted to do the same for this year. Although Austin and I didn't do as much traveling as we did in 2015, this year was definitely an exciting one! 

As in 2015, January is pretty uneventful but this year was the first year I got to celebrate Austin's birthday with him for his 21st!

We started the month off with taking a trip to Wisconsin Dells for a little get away for Austin's birthday. Our hotel stay came with lift tickets so we decided to give skiing a shot....didn't go to well for me but we still had a great time!
At the end of February we celebrated our first anniversary in Champaign apartment hunting!

The month of March consisted of a trip to visit Mama Sue and Jim up in Wisconsin and a lot of antiquing!

Looking through my photos of April I really don't have any besides these two. Spring time was such a pretty time out at John's farm with all of his flowers starting to bloom. These pictures are from my last full month out on the Nolan Farm and the last picture I ever took with John. Bittersweet but that day forever sticks in my head because he loved being outside and after being sick all winter he finally got to go enjoy the sunshine!

May marked the end of my journey at Waubonsee Community College. Going to Waubonsee was one of the best choices I made and I don't think I'll ever regret going there. I met great people, had awesome professors and just an overall good experience at that school. May was also a sad month because I had to say goodbye to the cutest, sweetest man I've ever known.

June was a busy, exciting month!
Started off with one of my childhood best friends getting married, the next week Austin and I moved into our first apartment together and my mom opened her skincare studio!

The one and only photo I have from July is from the 4th. Austin and I went and watched the fireworks with his sister, Emily, her boyfriend Josh and their daughter Ella.
One of my favorite months of this year. We went to Florida not once but twice! My family always goes the first week of the month then we went for Hannah and John's bachelor/bachelorette party!
My family trip is always so fun especailly this year because Brianna and Joe came along! And we had a blast on the bachelor/bachelorette trip! I could post so many photos from this month but I'll keep it short ;) I have a separate post from my family vacation with more photos, I also have a video from the trip up on my youtube channel!

lol september was the least exciting of the photos

MY BESTFRIEND GOT MARRIED! Hannah and John had such an amazing wedding, so glad that I got to be apart of their special day. I also made a trip down to Missouri to spend a weekend with Ash :)

This month was definitely exciting but more in words than photos. Austin and I really started house hunting this month and found a perfect house for us. We both wanted to be closer to work and closer to both of our families. We found a first house that we thought at the time we loved, it had a huge backyard and deck that would have been so much fun in the summertime, however the layout of the house was super weird and we knew that we were not going to be able to sell it very easily when the time came, so we kept looking. Then we found a house in a great neighborhood, less than a 10 minute drive to work for the both of us, a little closer to my family and still close to Austin's, and plenty of space for us :) so we decided to put in an offer.

We closed on the 14th of December and that afternoon started making it our own. Took out all of the flooring, repainted everything and got new carpet. It's starting to look so cute on the inside :) can't wait to share more photos of the inside of our home as things come together! I will also be creating some videos that will be posted on my YouTube channel!

I cannot wait to see what 2017 has in store for myself and for Austin and  I together. We're working so hard on our house and we are planning on traveling more this year! I am hopefully getting into nursing school for the fall. I also hope to post on my blog more frequently than I did last year.
I hope everyone has the best 2017!

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