Wednesday, October 7, 2015

First Half Marathon!

Well, it's been about a week since I ran my first half marathon and well I can't say that I have a huge desire to run another one.

First off for some of you who don't know, I ran cross country and track in middle school and since then I have just ran for myself...for fun. I have ran several 5K races and a couple 10Ks. A lot of people told me "oh yeah you'll be fine running a half marathon since you already run so much." Boy were they wrong.

I typically run a 9:30-10 minute mile, however for the half I ended up averaging 11:34 per mile, which I understand I was running double what I usually run but I thought I would still keep a pace closer to a 10, a little disappointed. I wanted to finish the race in under 2 and a half hours and I finished 2 minutes passed that, but whatever it was my first one right? Anyway, I also told myself I was only going to walk during the water stations....I walked a lot more than that hahah again a tad disappointed.

I generally enjoy running, however knowing once a week that I had to go run 7,8,9 miles did not sound appealing to me whatsoever and to be honest half the time I didn't do it. Training for this race really made me dislike running. I don't think that I'm dedicated enough to running, I have a weird school and work schedule so trying to fit in a run wasn't always my top priority as it should have been, I definintely learned my lesson.

I don't want to ruin the experience for people who are reading this and are considering running, but I had such bad leg pains throughout the race and stomach aches. And I was also sick and couldn't hardly eat the rest of the day or the next. So just a heads up.

Honestly who knows if I'll do another one, we'll see. Maybe later in life when I feel a little more dedicated and can actually get myself to train properly for it! I am running a 10k at the end of the month with Austin and my parents so hopefully that goes better :)

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