Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Toledo & Sandusky, Ohio July 16-19

This passed weekend Austin and I traveled out to Ohio to visit one of my friends and to go to Cedar Point!

We got to Toledo Thursday night around dinner time, then got up early to head to Sandusky! We managed to find a bagel place to grab some bagels for the ride :)

When we go to Cedar point it was pretty chilly and raining and windy (Cedar Point is on an island on Lake Erie so that explains the wind), which actually ended up working out to our advantage. The park was empty. Whenever we were telling people that we were going there they all told us that we would ever get through the whole park in one day, well we did...in about 7 hours! We hit all 11 major coasters (we skipped the super small ones and the carnival rides) and only waited 40 minutes for one but everything else was a half hour or less wait. The weather also ended up being 90 and hot and sunny! Since it was so hot we found this super yummy ice cream place in the park (we always get ice cream, kinda addicted). Perfect day over all :)

On Saturday, Austin, my friend Paige, her boyfriend Chuck and myself all went to Maumee Bay State Park where we found a little beach! We packed a cooler with some drinks and lunch and spent the day laying on the sand and swimming! (well they all swam, I'm not a huge fan of lake water) Some rain decided to roll in mid afternoon, so we went on a walk on a nature trail that was at the park which was pretty neat. After our walk we headed back to the beach for a bit. Then we headed back to Paige's to hangout for the rest of the night.

Sunday morning was the worst part of the trip. We were packing up, planning on leaving at 10am so we could make it back in time for me to get to work at 4pm. Well, we walked out to Austin's car to find the window completely broken out and his stereo system stolen! Absolutely ridiculous. Luckily they didn't steal anything else from the car, and luckily we didn't leave much in there. We then had to wait 2 and 1/2 hours for police to show up to write the report :/ finally by 12:30pm we were ready to start our 5 hour drive, missing a window and having no music to listen to. Let's just say by the time we got home we were very happy that my mom had dinner ready and we were both alseep before 10pm that night!
Besides Sunday morning we had a blast! (always is visiting Paige)

This Friday, the 24th, we're heading into Chicago for the day to explore :)

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